Halo2 lookups

Lookups allow us to check whether a particular witness value is an element of some set. Such a check can be done using PLONK (opens new window) too but it’s much more expensive.

Imagine we have a witness xx and we would like to prove that x{0,1,2,3,4}.x \in \{0, 1, 2, 3, 4\}. We could write a custom gate, x(x1)(x2)(x3)(x4)=0,x(x-1)(x-2)(x-3)(x-4) = 0, using PLONK, but this becomes inefficient when the set is big (the bigger the degree of the gate, the slower the protocol).

Let’s see an example. As usual, we are in the field FpF_p and we have the multiplicative subgroup H={1,w,w2,...,wn1}ofFpH = \{1, w, w^2, ..., w^{n-1}\} \; \text{of} \; F_p. We also have the polynomial ZH(x),Z_H(x), for which it holds:

ZH(x)=0forxHZ_H(x) = 0 \; \text{for} \; x \in H

We’ve observed how the prover can prove, for example, that for each xHx \in H:

a(x)b(x)+1=0a(x) b(x) + 1 = 0

(a(1)a(ω)...a(ωn1))(b(1)b(ω)...b(ωn1))+(11...1)=(00...0).\begin{pmatrix} a(1) \\ a(\omega) \\ ... \\ a(\omega^{n-1}) \end{pmatrix} \begin{pmatrix} b(1) \\ b(\omega) \\ ... \\ b(\omega^{n-1}) \end{pmatrix} + \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 1 \\ ... \\ 1 \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ ... \\ 0 \end{pmatrix}.

But let’s say we also want to prove that:

a(x)SforallxHa(x) \in S \; \text{for} \; \text{all} \; x \in H


S={3,4,11,13}S = \{3, 4, 11, 13\}

As mentioned above we could do this by proving:

(a(x)3)(a(x)4)(a(x)11)(a(x)13)=0forallxH(a(x) - 3) (a(x) - 4) (a(x) - 11) (a(x) - 13) = 0 \; \text{for} \; \text{all} \; x \in H

But let’s pretend that SS is huge and it’s totally inefficient to use the standard PLONK approach. The technique presented here is the halo2 (opens new window) lookup variant, not the original plookup (opens new window).

For demonstration purposes, let’s say n=8n = 8 and:

A=(a(1)a(ω)a(ω2)a(ω3)a(ω4)a(ω5)a(ω6)a(ω7))=(313311131333)A = \begin{pmatrix} a(1) \\ a(\omega) \\ a(\omega^2) \\ a(\omega^3) \\ a(\omega^4) \\ a(\omega^5) \\ a(\omega^6) \\ a(\omega^7) \end{pmatrix} = \begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ 13 \\ 3 \\ 11 \\ 13 \\ 13 \\ 3 \\ 3 \end{pmatrix}

We now permute this vector to get the same values grouped together:

A1=σ(A)=(333311131313)A_1 = \sigma(A) = \begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ 3 \\ 3 \\ 3 \\ 11 \\ 13 \\ 13 \\ 13 \end{pmatrix}

And we extend SS with duplicates to be of the same length as A1A_1 and then permute it to have the same values as A1A_1 at the positions where the value in A1A_1 changes. Let’s denote it by S1S_1:

S1=(3.........1113......).S_1 = \begin{pmatrix} 3 \\ ... \\ ... \\ ... \\ 11 \\ 13 \\ ... \\ ... \end{pmatrix}.

At positions denoted by "...", it can be any value from SS.

The prover needs to prove that either

A1[i]=S1[i]A_1[i] = S_1[i]


A1[i]=A1[i1]A_1[i] = A_1[i-1]


This way, the prover proves that elements in A1A_1 are only elements from SS.

Let’s say we have polynomials AA' and SS' such that:

A(ωi)=A1[i]A'(\omega^i) = A_1[i]

S(ωi)=S1[i]S'(\omega^i) = S_1[i]

So, the prover needs to prove:

(A(x)S(x))(A(x)A(ω1x))=0(A'(x) - S'(x))(A'(x) - A'(\omega^{-1} x)) = 0

for xHx \in H. This is done by dividing by the vanishing polynomial and opening the commitment as discussed last time.

If the prover then proves that A1A_1 is the permutation of AA and that S1S_1 is the permutation of S,S, the prover is done. This can be achieved using the same approach (grand product) as for the permutation arguments. The grand product in this case would contain the elements:

(A(x)+β)(S(x)+γ)(A(x)+β)(S(x)+γ).\frac{(A'(x) + \beta) (S'(x) + \gamma)}{(A(x) + \beta) (S(x) + \gamma)}.

I will write a bit about the original plookup (opens new window) next time.