
Boogie Math is a collection of stories about a silly guy who likes mathematics. And how his family, friends, and neighbors see his ridiculous mathematical activities. It is stories about how he learns mathematics, how he uses mathematics in his daily work, and how he teaches mathematics to his and his friends’ kids and his senior neighbors.
The guy’s name is Miha Stopar. He has a wife and three daughters, none of whom ever feel like listening to him (especially when he’s talking about mathematics). He spent his twenties writing a novel that nobody has read.
He studied math and was 100% sure he would never work with computers. He ended up being a programmer. He now implements cryptographic protocols for Ethereum Foundation.
In the last ten years, the poor guy has been writing a story about a forgotten mathematician from the first half of the 20th century. For this reason, he’s reading every mathematician’s biography he can find, which eventually made him interested in learning math again. Boogie Math is a by-product of these endeavors.