Weierstrass function

The Weierstrass function is:

(z)=1z2+wL,w0(1(zw)21w2)\wp(z) = \frac{1}{z^2} + \sum_{w \in L, w \neq 0}(\frac{1}{(z-w)^2} - \frac{1}{w^2})

The Weierstrass function is a non-constant, doubly periodic function. Its significance appears to be immense, and it has the following properties:

  • (z)\wp(z) converges absolutely and uniformly on compact sets not containing elements of LL
  • (z)\wp(z) is meromorphic in C\mathbb{C} and has double pole at each wLw \in L
  • (z)=(z)\wp(z) = \wp(-z) for all zCz \in \mathbb{C}
  • (z+w)=(z)\wp(z + w) = \wp(z) for all wLw \in L
  • Every doubly periodic function is a rational function of \wp and its derivative .\wp'.

I didn’t delve too deeply into the first two points. I understood that the terms 1w2\frac{1}{w^2} are included to ensure the sum converges. These terms make 1(zw)21w2|\frac{1}{(z-w)^2} - \frac{1}{w^2}| comparable to 1w3.|\frac{1}{w^3}|. And it holds:

wL,w01wk\sum_{w \in L, w \neq 0}\frac{1}{|w^k|}

converges for k>2.k > 2.

The third point is easy to see. For the last point, let’s examine the derivative:

(z)=2z3+wL,w02(zw)3\wp'(z) = \frac{-2}{z^3} + \sum_{w \in L, w \neq 0}\frac{-2}{(z-w)^3}

=wL2(zw)3= \sum_{w \in L}\frac{-2}{(z-w)^3}

This sum converges based on the result mentioned above.

We can see:

(z+w0)=wL2(z+w0w)3=wL2(zw)3=(z)\wp'(z + w_0) = \sum_{w \in L}\frac{-2}{(z + w_0-w)^3} = \sum_{w \in L}\frac{-2}{(z -w)^3} =\wp'(z)

This implies (z+w)(z)\wp(z+w) - \wp(z) is constant. By setting z=w/2,z = -w/2, it quickly becomes evident that this constant is 0.

The fifth point surprises me. Let’s explore what’s behind it.

Every doubly periodic function is a rational function of Weierstrass function and its derivative

First, let’s see that every function can be expressed as the sum of an even function and an odd function:

f(z)=f(z)+f(z)2+f(z)f(z)2f(z) = \frac{f(z) + f(-z)}{2} + \frac{f(z) - f(-z)}{2}

We can quickly observe that (z)\wp'(z) is an odd function. If a function f(z)f(z) is odd, then f(z)(z)\frac{f(z)}{\wp'(z)} is even. Therefore, it suffices to prove the statement for even functions.

For even functions, we can consider zeros and poles grouped in pairs F,F, each pair being (w,w3w).(w, w_3 - w). That’s useful because (being even and doubly periodic): f(z)=f(z)=f(w3z).f(z) = f(-z) = f(w_3 - z).

Remember, w3=w1+w2w_3 = w_1 + w_2, and FF represents the fundamental parallelogram.

Note that if zero or pole occurs at w3/2,w_3/2, we take some rational function of ff where this doesn’t happen.

So, let’s have zeros and poles of ff in F:F:

(z1,w3z1),...,(zn,w3zn)(z_1, w_3 - z_1), ..., (z_n, w_3 - z_n)

Let’s observe the function:

(z)(zi)\wp(z) - \wp(z_i)

It has a double pole at 0 and zeros at ziz_i and w3zi.w_3 - z_i.

That means

πi=1n((z)(zi))\pi_{i=1}^{n}(\wp(z) - \wp(z_i))

has the same zeros and poles as f.f.

Let’s make them of the same order too:

h(z)=πi=1n((z)(zi))ordzifh(z) = \pi_{i=1}^{n}(\wp(z) - \wp(z_i))^{ord_{z_i}f}

Now, f(z)/h(z)f(z) / h(z) has no zeros and no poles. That means, it is a constant.

We have proven that any even doubly periodic function is a rational function of (z).\wp(z). For odd doubly periodic functions, we also need (z).\wp'(z). Therefore, any doubly periodic function is a rational function of (z)\wp(z) and (z).\wp'(z).

Weierstrass sigma function

σ(z)=zΠwL,w0(1zw)ezw+z22w2\sigma(z) = z \Pi_{w \in L, w \neq 0} (1 - \frac{z}{w}) e^{\frac{z}{w} + \frac{z^2}{2w^2}}

Weierstrass sigma function has the following properties:

  • σ(z)\sigma(z) is holomorphic for all zCz \in \mathbb{C}
  • σ(z)\sigma(z) has simple zeros at each wLw \in L and no other zeros
  • d2dz2log(σ(z))=(z)\frac{d^2}{dz^2}log(\sigma(z)) = -\wp(z)
  • Given wL,w \in L, there exists a=awa = a_w and b=bwb = b_w such that σ(z+w)σ(z)=eaz+b.\frac{\sigma(z+w)}{\sigma(z)} = e^{az + b}.

The first two points seem intuitive, I was lazy and didn’t follow the proofs. The third point can be quickly checked.

To prove the fourth point:

d2dz2log(σ(z+w)σ(z))=(z+w)+(z)=0\frac{d^2}{dz^2}log(\frac{\sigma(z+w)}{\sigma(z)}) = -\wp(z+w) + \wp(z) = 0

So there exists a=awa = a_w and b=bwb = b_w such that:

log(σ(z+w)σ(z))=az+blog(\frac{\sigma(z+w)}{\sigma(z)}) = az + b


σ(z+w)σ(z)=eaz+b\frac{\sigma(z+w)}{\sigma(z)} = e^{az + b}

Special case of Abel-Jacobi theorem

I have no idea what the general form of the Abel-Jacobi theorem is. I would very much like to understand it, but currently, my algebraic geometry knowledge is too weak.

But it appears that the special case of the Abel-Jacobi theorem is:

Let D=ni[wi]D = \sum n_i [w_i] be a divisor. Then DD is the divisor of a function if and only if deg(D)=ni=0deg(D) = \sum n_i = 0 and niwiL.\sum n_i w_i \in L.

The definition of the divisor of a function ff is:

div(f)=wFordw(f)[w]div(f) = \sum_{w \in F} ord_w(f) [w]

The notation [][] should just be regarded as a symbol.

That for the divisor of a function ff, it holds deg(div(f))=0deg(div(f)) = 0 and wFwordw(f)L\sum_{w \in F} w \cdot ord_w(f) \in L was discussed last time.

What about the other way around? Can ff be constructed such that it will have zeros and poles at wi,w_i, and ordwif=ni?ord_{w_i}f = n_i?

Let’s denote l=niwi.l = \sum n_i w_i. So, we have lL.l \in L.

Let’s define

f(z)=σ(z)σ(zl)Πiσ(zwi)nif(z) = \frac{\sigma(z)}{\sigma(z-l)} \Pi_i \sigma(z - w_i)^{n_i}

From the fourth point, it follows that σ(z)σ(zl)\frac{\sigma(z)}{\sigma(z-l)} has no zeros and no poles. In F,F, σ(zwi)\sigma(z-w_i) has simple zeros at wi.w_i. That means div(f)=D.div(f) = D.

But is ff doubly periodic?

f(z+w)f(z)=σ(z+w)σ(zl)σ(z)σ(z+wl)Πi(σ(zwi+w)σ(zwi))ni\frac{f(z+w)}{f(z)} = \frac{\sigma(z+w)\sigma(z-l)}{\sigma(z) \sigma(z+w-l)} \Pi_i (\frac{\sigma(z - w_i + w)}{\sigma(z-w_i)})^{n_i}

=eaz+ba(zl)bΠi(ea(zwi)+b)ni= e^{az + b - a(z-l) - b} \Pi_i (e^{a(z-w_i)+b})^{n_i}

=ealeini(a(zwi)+b)= e^{al} e^{\sum_i n_i(a(z-w_i)+b)}

=ealeiniazniawi+nib= e^{al} e^{\sum_i n_i a z- n_i a w_i+ n_i b}

=einiaz+nib= e^{\sum_i n_i a z + n_i b}

=e(az+b)ini= e^{(az + b) \sum_i n_i}

=1= 1

since ini=0.\sum_i n_i = 0.